Bakhtawar is an upcoming Pakistani drama series which is set to premiere on Hum TV in 2021. The series stars an ensemble cast of seasoned actors, including some newcomers. The series is directed by Syed Ali Raza Usama and written by Amna Mufti. The show revolves around the story of Bakhtawar, a young girl who is determined to make her own way in life and follow her dreams.
Main Cast of Bakhtawar Drama
- Momina Iqbal as Bakhtawar: Bakhtawar is the female lead of the show. She is a strong-willed and determined young woman who is determined to make her own way in life and follow her dreams.
- Ali Rehman Khan as Zayd: Zayd is the male lead of the show. He is a kind and gentle man and is Bakhtawar’s love interest.
- Saba Hameed as Bakhtawar’s mother: Bakhtawar’s mother is a strong and supportive woman who is determined to make sure that her daughter has a successful future.
- Sania Saeed as Bakhtawar’s grandmother: Bakhtawar’s grandmother is a wise and loving woman who is always there to give her granddaughter advice and support.
Supporting Actors of Bakhtawar Drama
- Furqan Qureshi as Bakhtawar’s father: Bakhtawar’s father is a strict and traditional man who is determined to make sure that his daughter follows the path that he has chosen for her.
- Azfar Rehman as Zayd’s brother: Zayd’s brother is a kind and supportive man who is always there to help and support his brother.
- Minal Khan as Zayd’s sister: Zayd’s sister is a strong and independent woman who is determined to make her own decisions in life.
- Noman Masood as Zayd’s father: Zayd’s father is a strict and traditional man who is determined to make sure that his son follows the path that he has chosen for him.
Character Profiles of Bakhtawar Drama
- Bakhtawar: Bakhtawar is a strong-willed and determined young woman who is determined to make her own way in life and follow her dreams.
- Zayd: Zayd is a kind and gentle man and is Bakhtawar’s love interest.
- Bakhtawar’s mother: Bakhtawar