When you think of opening a personal bank account, you typically want it to perform all the functions you may need. However, if the desired balance of characteristics includes enhanced protection of your assets, the possibility to carry out transactions in cryptocurrencies and multiple regular currencies, a considerable degree of privacy for the beneficiary, and a debit card to easily make payments and withdraw cash, such a bank may be hard to find.
However, we have an option off the beaten track: open a bank account in a Comoros bank and get all these features at a reasonable fee! We would like to invite you to our portal to get more detailed information about a secure bank account in Comoros and appreciate all of its characteristics. There are a lot of other articles on international banking on our portal that may be of use to you, so you are welcome to follow the link and explore them!
We also have a team of experienced professionals who can help you open a bank account abroad. You can book an initial free session to discuss all the details, and our experts will tell you about the services available that you can order for a reasonable fee. Most customers want to get an account without the need to study the laws of a particular country or deal with local authorities, so they simply delegate all these procedures to us. Follow the link and book a session now!
Comoros Bank Overview
The institution we are talking about is a private international offshore digital bank whose activities are supervised by the Union of the Comoros Islands. It is based in Fomboni, and its transactions are not affected by CRS or FATCA regulations. The bank was founded in 2022 following the merger of a bank in Latin America and a large construction company based in Asia.
The Comoros bank’s customers mainly include offshore companies, foreign investors, wealthy individuals, crypto brokers, traders, and ordinary entrepreneurs of all kinds. The Comoros bank is quite competitive as it:
- has gained a good reputation in the market
- offers a wide range of financial products
- maintains a strong presence in the market
- has a high liquidity ratio
- provides one of the highest confidentiality levels in the world
Sounds impressive? Get in touch with our expert now to ask any questions you may have at this stage!
Services for Non-Residents Offered by the Comoros Bank
Private customers that use the Comoros bank services can take advantage of an extensive range of possibilities to cater to their needs and achieve their goals:
- multicurrency accounts that make it possible to operate in all major national currencies, as well as crypto
- your digital assets will be safely stored
- make up your investment portfolio and enjoy comprehensive management services offered by the bank
- the bank provides all kinds of services to traders and professional brokers
- foreign currency exchange/conversion done in a simple way at low rates
- all kinds of financial products you may need (swap, spot, forward, and lending)
- if you carry out operations with precious metals, benefit from safe storage, as well as trading and financing opportunities
- the bank issues cards for your convenience
- you can use SWIFT/SEPA transfers to different countries
- beneficial options for savings account holders
- concierge services
The complete list is much longer, of course, as the Comoros digital bank is a serious institution focused on making the financial lives of multiple customers much easier and more diverse. If you need particular services that we did not mention above, please get in touch with us by clicking on the above link (you can use a live chat on our portal, for example).
Comoros Digital Banking: Benefits
A multicurrency account in the Comoros digital bank is first of all a secure and convenient solution that will provide good opportunities for asset diversification and protection from any threats that may exist externally. Here is a list of obvious advantages you will get:
- your funds will be securely consolidated in a reliable offshore bank
- trading activities facilitated by the bank will help you earn profits
- a possibility to quickly complete incoming and outgoing international transactions in different currencies and crypto
- plenty of opportunities to diversify the financial assets in your possession
- quick and easy capital management online
- benefit from the Investment Credit program
- make use of ample investment options provided by the Comoros digital bank
- your personal data will enjoy reliable protection from unauthorized access
You will have a personal manager who will provide help and advice in any situation related to your personal banking.
Who Will Benefit Most?
The Comoros-based digital bank is first of all focused on wealthy individuals and corporate customers, and it provides services based on the internal regulations of the Comoros. Here is a list of customers who mainly choose to benefit from the bank’s services:
- non-resident entrepreneurs and affluent individuals looking for lawful diversification methods
- investors with a portfolio who need professional management services
- traders/brokers
- foreigners who need an account that will allow them to deal with multiple currencies anywhere in the world
- individuals (especially US citizens) who need enhanced privacy standards
Bank Rates
Let’s look at the competitive rates offered by the Comoros digital bank to non-residents:
- Guarantee deposit (for a joint account): 1,500 euros
- Security deposit (for a dedicated account): 3,500 euros
- Multicurrency account monthly maintenance fee: 40 euros
- Incoming/outgoing payments: 0.15% (minimum 50 euros)
- Internal transfers between bank accounts: free
- Debit cards are available to bank clients with a minimum amount in their account equaling 25,000 euros, US dollars, or pound sterling
If you need a complete list of services and fees, please get in touch with our professionals and ask them any questions. They will provide overall assistance in document package collection and opening an account for your needs.
If you delegate all the administrative issues to our experts, you will get access to your account within a maximum of 72 hours after it has been opened and you have successfully completed an interview with a bank employee. Overall, the procedure will be completed within 14 days. Follow the above link and get in touch with us right now!