If you have booked your first virtual singing lesson with an instructor, it is important to prepare yourself to maximize the results of your session. This article will help you do just that.
Whether you are working on nailing that lip trill or expanding your vocal range, consistent practicing and good instruction can see you make tremendous improvements in a short amount of time!
During your first lesson, your teacher will probably ask you about the music you like to sing and your experience with singing (none is perfectly fine). Your teacher may also give you some vocal exercises.
Most online instructors use video chat programs to conduct their lessons. Ensure you have the software installed and a stable internet connection to avoid problems with audio and video quality.
Once your lessons are scheduled, set aside weekly time for consistent practice. The more you practice, the faster you will see progress. Just be careful not to overdo it and exhaust your voice. You want to be able to sing well during your next lesson!
Warm Up
Like any muscle in your body, your vocal cords must be warmed up before virtual singing lessons. Warming up will help you sing easier, with more range, and avoid injury or strain.
Students should warm up with a few simple exercises and stretches to prepare for their first lesson. This can include gentle yoga poses stretching the neck and shoulders or simply taking a deep breath through the nose and out through the mouth to warm up the voice.
Singers can start with simple exercises such as scales, triads, or sung tonics. They can then move on to more advanced exercises that use their whole range, including fricative sounds and octave jumps. They can even end their warm-up with a big dramatic sigh or animal sounds for fun!
Take Notes
When the first lesson starts, your coach will ask questions about your background and singing goals. It’s good to know what you want to get out of your lessons ahead of time, but don’t worry if you don’t know exactly; it’s not about knowing every goal up front – it’s about building an open and trusting relationship.
Your teacher will ask you to sing a few songs, and they will likely want to know your vocal range, so be prepared to test it out. Write down the lowest and highest notes you can sing to keep track of your progress as you extend your range. You can see real results quickly with consistent practice outside of your lessons!
Bring a Song
Online lessons allow beginners to learn how to sing with ease. They allow students to take lessons from accomplished instructors from the comfort of their homes or wherever they are located.
It’s a good idea to bring a song to the lesson. This will allow your teacher from companies like Forbes Music Company to see your singing well and determine what areas need improvement.
Consider bringing a music stand. This will help keep your sheet music and lyrics organized. It’s also important to bring a water bottle. It’s important to stay hydrated during the lesson.
Be sure that your microphone and speakers are working properly. Some headsets don’t do a great job of capturing the sound of your voice and can cause distortion.
Be Prepared
During your first lesson, your instructor will ask you to sing a song you enjoy. This is not to judge your voice but to see where you are in your vocal development.
It’s a good idea to have any sheet music or accompaniment files ready and share them with your instructor before the lesson starts. Testing your camera and microphone beforehand is also a good idea to ensure they are working properly.
If the microphone on your device causes distortion, it can help to place the device slightly further away. This often eliminates the problem and allows for a clearer sound. You should also be ready to take notes during your lessons.