When most people start thinking about fertility treatment, the first thing that comes to their mind is IVF. The IVF treatment success rate is higher than other techniques of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). But people often wonder if IVF is painful or if it will be fearful. And the simple answer to these questions is IVF is not painful, nor do you need to be scared of it.
According to data from 2015, almost 73000 babies were born in the USA with the help of IVF treatment. IVF treatment is the most common type of ART, where the doctors retrieve the eggs from the female patient and fertilize them with their partner’s semen in the laboratory. After fertilizing and growing them for 6 to 7 days, the doctors transfer the embryo into the uterus. Couples who want to have children in the future but are not ready right now can opt for fertility preservation methods such as sperm freezing and egg freezing. Want to know more about IVF? Read below to get a detailed understanding of IVF treatment and its process.
What are injections for Ovarian Stimulation in IVF Treatment?
Ovarian stimulation is one of the first processes in IVF treatment procedure. Doctors will prescribe self-injectable medicines for ovary stimulation and maturing the eggs during the cycle. Sometimes, the patient can experience unpleasant side effects like bloating or nausea due to hormone fluctuations, primarily because of the injections.
But the side effects are neither painful nor severe. Other noticeable side effects include fluid retention, mood swings, insomnia, breast tenderness, headaches, and many more. The top doctors of the fertility clinic will always be there for you during the entire IVF process and will explain to you what is happening and why. The doctor will monitor the patient while injecting the medicines through ultrasounds and blood tests. After the tests, the doctors will decide when to induce the ovulation.
Is the IVF process really painful?
Every patient responds to the IVF process differently. However, pain tolerance may vary from one patient to another, as some people consider it painful while others might not. However, some segments of the IVF treatment, like egg retrieval procedures or injections, can cause a little discomfort to the patient. But it does not mean that you will be in immense pain.
What is Ovulation Induction?
When the doctor decides that the patient has sufficiently matured eggs, they will recommend another medicinal injection for inducing ovulation and releasing the eggs. This injection primarily contains HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone. The hormone helps the eggs to complete the maturation before ovulation. The doctors usually give this injection 3 days before the egg retrieval process. The possible side effect of this injection is temporary irritation or itchiness at the site’s skin.
What is Embryo Transfer?
Doctors retrieve the eggs from the IVF treatment, they fertilize them with the collected sperm sample in the laboratory. After maturation, the doctor will transfer the embryo into the uterus directly with the help of a syringe through the catheter entering through the vaginal cavity. The patient will never feel anything due to the syringe. However, there will be little pressure or a slight pinch effect due to the catheter.
The discomfort is similar to what happens in the Pap examination. Some patients might complain high intensity pain and others may not feel it. The recovery time of embryo transfer in the IVF treatment is also fairly quick.
Final Thoughts
IVF comes with several advantages and is a boon to those couples who cannot conceive naturally and want to become parents. Nowadays, more people are seeking help with IVF and growing their families. However, some people are confused about whether is IVF painful or tough. Hopefully, after going through this crisp article, you have all your doubts cleared.